Buzzfeed Inc.

Buzzfeed Inc. is the registered company name of the following Media Outlet(s) in the database:, Huffington Post

Who owns Buzzfeed Inc.?

Shareholder Percentage
 Comcast Corporation4.22%
 New Enterprise Associates 13, L.P. 2.1%
 Entities affiliated with Hearst1.7%
 Jonah Peretti82.17%
 Entities affilitated with RRE1.42%
 Entities affiliated with Redwood Capital1.35%
 General Atlantic BF, L.P.1.08%
 Unknown Shareholder(s)5.96%

You're looking at the ownership data for 2023, last changed: 06/2022.

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This table shows the shareholder(s) who own this company. Share ownership changes over time and is periodically updated by the Media Ownership Ireland project.
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