Liam O'Shea

Ownership(s) held by Liam O'Shea

Company Ownership
Dreamglade Limited22%
Spin South West Limited5%
This table shows other companies and media outlets in our database where this shareholder has some ownership. Data on these shares held was last updated: 03/2021
Individual Shareholders

This shareholder listing is for a person. Individual shareholders with an identical name are treated as the same person, across all records.
This may cause a listing like this to conflate two individual persons' holdings, if they have the same name. This is unintentional, but if you know of such an error occuring here, please notify us.

Who owns Liam O'Shea?

Shareholder Percentage
 Unknown Shareholder(s)100%

You're looking at the ownership data for 2024, last changed: 03/2021.

You can switch to viewing the data for:   2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
This table shows the shareholder(s) who own this company. Share ownership changes over time and is periodically updated by the Media Ownership Ireland project.
Learn more about our data sources and update policy, or report errors and ommissions here