New York Times

New York Times is registered as a company with the name The New York Times Company, and Company No. US1-5837. It was founded: 1851.

The New York Times Company is the Global Ultimate Owner of New York Times

NOTES: The New York Times has a very specific ownership and control structure. Class A Stock is openly traded on the stock exchange and investment management companies like the Vanguard Group and BlackRock, Inc currently respectively own 9.5% and 8.3% of such stock. However, the power to appoint directors (and thus shape the general direction of the paper) is held by holders of Class B Stock. As of March 2022, approximately 94.5 percent of the Company's Class B stock and 3.4 percent of the Company's Class A stock is held by the Ochs-Sulzberger Trust and an additional entity controlled by descendants of Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger (herself the daughter of of Adolph S. Ochs who purchased the paper in 1896). The primary objective of the Ochs-Sulzberger Trust is to maintain the editorial independence and the integrity of The New York Times in accordance with the wishes of Adolph S. Ochs as expressed in his will. The Trustees are directed to retain the Class B stock held in the Ochs-Sulzberger Trust unless they determine that the primary objective of the Ochs-Sulzberger Trust can be best achieved by the sale, distribution or conversion of such stock. As such we have decided to emphasise the role of Trust over that of the various holders of Class A Stock.

What is a Global Ultimate Owner?

Ownership of The New York Times Company, by shareholding:

Name Percentage
 The Ochs-Sulzberger Trust94.5%
 Unknown Shareholder(s)5.5%

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Source(s) of data used: The New York Times Company Notice of 2022 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement. This share data was compiled: 06/2022
Share ownership changes over time and is periodically updated by the Media Ownership Ireland project.
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