ITV is registered as a company with the name ITV PLC, and Company No. 4967001. It was founded: 1955.

ITV PLC is the Global Ultimate Owner of ITV

NOTES: We have only noted shareholders with a 1% or greater holding here. The remaining 32.24% of ITV PLC is currently held by a further 54 companies and individuals.

What is a Global Ultimate Owner?

Ownership of ITV PLC, by shareholding:

Name Percentage
 Liberty Global Limited9.9%
 RWC Partners Limited 5.66%
 Brandes Investment Partners LP5.65%
 Artemis Investment Management LLP5.14%
 Blackrock Investment Management (UK) Ltd5.09%
 Affiliated Managers Group, Inc5.12%
 Schroder Investment5.22%
 Jupiter Asset Management Ltd1.74%
 Liberty Global Ventures Limited9.9%
 Ameriprise Financial, Inc.5.11%
 RWC Asset Management LLP5.67%
 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC1.85%
 Aviva PLC2.16%
 Silchester Partners Limited5.02%
 Silchester International Investors LLP5%
 The Vanguard Group, PLC3.96%
 Perpetual Limited1.57%
 USB Group AG1.45%
 Royal London Mutual Insurance Society, Limited1.44%
 Unknown Shareholder(s)10.64%

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Source(s) of data used: Fame Database. This share data was compiled: 06/2022
Share ownership changes over time and is periodically updated by the Media Ownership Ireland project.
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