Irish Independent

Irish Independent is registered as a company with the name Mediahuis Ireland Group Limited, and Company No. 2936. It was founded: 1905.

Mediahuis Ireland Group Limited has a multi-level ownership structure - you can click on the company name to explore this. The project identifies Mediahuis Partners N.V. as the Global Ultimate Owner and provides its shareholding information below.

NOTES: The modern version of the Irish Independent was established by businessman William Martin Murphy in 1905 (following a previous incarnation in the 1890s as a Parnellite paper under the title Irish Independent and Daily Nation). The paper (and its associated titles) remained in the hands of the Murphy family until 1973. In that year businessman Tony O'Reilly took effective control of Independent News and Media (although he was never a majority shareholder). The O'Reilly family's influence over the paper was gradually diluted during the 2000s as another businessman, Denis O'Brien built up his shareholding, peaking at a 29.99% from 2012. Again, though not a majority shareholding, this made Mr O'Brien the largest single shareholder, allowing him to appoint a number of directors to the board. The investment required to acquire this share position proved ill-timed as the printed newspaper market globally went through a period of decline. In 2019, O'Brien along with the other major shareholders such as Dermot Desmond accepted an approach from Belgian media company Mediahuis to fully acquire Independent News and Media.

What is a Global Ultimate Owner?

Ownership of Mediahuis Partners N.V., by shareholding:

Name Percentage
 Vp Exploitatie16.3%
 Unknown Shareholder(s)0.8%

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Source(s) of data used: Companies Registration Office. This share data was compiled: 06/2022
Share ownership changes over time and is periodically updated by the Media Ownership Ireland project.
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