Clare FM

Clare FM is registered as a company with the name Clare Community Radio Holdings PLC, and Company No. 186157. It was founded: 1989.

Clare Community Radio Holdings PLC is the Global Ultimate Owner of Clare FM

What is a Global Ultimate Owner?

Ownership of Clare Community Radio Holdings PLC, by shareholding:

Name Percentage
 Gael Linn Ltd9.49%
 Kerry Foods9.49%
 Anthony Galvin4.11%
 Killaloe Diocese3.02%
 Karen Brogan2.46%
 Mary Evans9.49%
 David Galvin4.43%
 Leo Mangan2.21%
 John Galvin4.43%
 Mary Hanrahan3.79%
 Antoin O'Looney3.79%
 Atticlogh Nominees Limited4.43%
 Clare Marts1.89%
 Caimin Jones1.89%
 Pat MacCarthy1.89%
 Dermot McMahon1.89%
 Peg Cleary1.58%
 Michael Mulqueeney1.58%
 Pat Fitzgerald1.58%
 Remaining 26.56% of shares split amongst 500 plus shareholders all with sub-1% individual shareholdings.26.56%

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Source(s) of data used: Companies Registration Office. This share data was compiled: 06/2022
Share ownership changes over time and is periodically updated by the Media Ownership Ireland project.
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