Wilton Radio Limited

Who owns Wilton Radio Limited?

Shareholder Percentage
 Highcross Communications Limited49.46%
 Peter Benson17.27%
 Big News Nettwork FZ LLC9.76%
 Comac McAlindon4.28%
 Print and Display Limited4.1%
 Gaby Smith3.72%
 Philip Lee3.45%
 Pershing International Nominees Limited2.93%
 Deborah Fagan1.18%
 Jonathan Kelly0.98%
 Jim Conway0.77%
 Pershing International Nominees Limited (TZCLTG)0.75%
 Fibin Teo.0.6%
 Paul Cummins0.44%
 Davy Crest Nominees0.2%
 Maire Ni Thuathail0.1%
 Daniel Healy<0.001%
 Emco Cumarsaid Teo.<0.001%

You're looking at the ownership data for 2024, last changed: 06/2022.

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This table shows the shareholder(s) who own this company. Share ownership changes over time and is periodically updated by the Media Ownership Ireland project.
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